You have questions and we have answers.

  • Why do you raise cross bred cattle?

    We believe having a heterogeneous mix adds a positive dynamic to the cattle both during life and after being processed. Charolais cattle are a Continental Breed of mountain cattle and do well in the steep and rugged terrain of the Great Basin Desert. Black Angus cattle have great maternal instincts as well as excellent marbling. Together, we get the best of both breeds!

  • Is your beef grass or grain finished?

    Our cattle are raised on grass their entire life until they enter our finishing program where they are fed grain in addition. Grain adds immense flavor to the meat and allows for the cattle to have a faster rate of gain. Grain-finished beef and grass-finished beef do not differ in nutritional value only in taste preference.

  • Is your beef organic or natural?

    In short, no, to be certified natural or organic the ranch has to go through costly programs that will in turn make the cost of the product increase. We raise our cattle with naturally minded practices and care for their diets to ensure an end result that is delicious for the customer!

  • Do you use antibiotics or hormones?

    It is our livelihood to care for these animals, so when they are sick, yes, we give them antibiotics. They are treated with the minimal required amount and only retreated if they are not getting better. Antibiotics have a withdrawal date that states a period after administration where they animal can not be killed for meat (and yes, they do test animals to be sure everyone is following the rules.)

    All living things have naturally occurring hormones, but we do not use added hormones.

  • How much meat is in a quarter beef?

    You will get approximately 100-120 pounds of meat. 30-40 pounds will be ground and the rest will be steaks, roasts and other specialty cuts!

  • How much meat is in a half beef?

    There are approximately 200-240 pounds of meat in a half beef share. There will be ribs, steaks, roasts, tri-tip, flank steak, and brisket to name a few cuts as well as ground beef.

Rancher is feeding yearling cattle a hay ration

Caring for cattle is at the heart of everything we do.